UberXtra Credit

UberX is one of the coolest (and cheapest!) ways to travel in Atlanta. Forget worn out taxi cabs and creepy taxi drivers--UberX is is comfortable and easy to use. It's the absolute perfect ride for college students to use on a night on the town.

The especially wonderful thing about UberX is that it can be 'called' to you from an iPhone application! No more awkward conversations about how to get to where you are, the GPS in your phone helps the driver find you.

The greatest thing of all is right now UberX is having a great promotion that allows all Georgia Tech students new to Uber get a free $20 towards a ride if they sign up using this link: https://get.uber.com/college/UberXtraCreditATL1

That means you can travel out on the town with a ride on them!

Another plus of signing up, or getting you friends to sign up with you, is that if GT reaches 1,500 users before February 11th at 11:59 pm the entire campus wins a week of free UberX! #uberXtracredit

Let's get campus a week of free UberX! I know it'll come in helpful on all those nights the Stingerette is "currently experiencing an unusually high number of trip requests" and you need a safe ride home.