I'm sorry for going MIA for so long, school just started hammering down on me with assignments and tests. Thank goodness for Spring Break this week!
While most people wound up going south for the break to beaches, I wound up north, in Pennsylvania to visit with Daniel. It actually snowed yesterday!
I can't escape the cold! |
I haven't gotten to see a whole lot of the town yet--I'm thinking about going adventuring when he's at work one day--but from what I have seen Lancaster is a beautiful town. It's right on the cusp of Amish country and actually when driving in on Saturday, Daniel and I saw two horse and buggies driving up the side of the road.
We also drove through some cool tunnels. |
Downtown and the surrounding areas are full of town houses and shops that step out basically on to the street. It's got a lot of the "northern city" flair that I loved when visiting Rhode Island last October. I'm hoping to get out and take some pictures to share a bit more of this beautiful place, but so far I've mostly been catching up on sleep while Daniel is away at work.
Over the weekend before Daniel started work we finally tried the wine Educated Guess together, which if you know me, you know it's been on my list of wines to try for a while.
Just look at how cool that bottle is. SCIENCE! |
We also have been eating wonderful food together, as per usual when we see each other.
Sushi Buffet where I discovered you cannot eat too much sushi. |
I'll be sure to post more this week because of my free time!