Not knowing where I'm going to be living after graduation is slightly terrifying. I'm doing everything I can so that I don't have to move back in with my parents and it seems to be opening all these doors of where I will end up.
I'm definitely a city girl. I love having everything nearby, the tall buildings and things to do. Living in the heart of Atlanta has spoiled me. Everything is right where I want it to be and right in the distance I need it to be in.
One thing I've always wanted while living in the city is a bike. But I have had this specific, beautiful bike in my mind. I want one with fenders and a place to store things. I also want it to be sleek and a beautiful color. Then I discovered PUBLIC.
This is the epitome of bike beauty in my eyes. I mean look at this one in baby blue!
It's the perfect city bike. I'm in love.
I can only hope that once I graduate I live in a place that will allow me to own one of these beauties.