1 || Say Anything by Tristan Prettyman. I can't stop listening to this song. It's so beautiful.
2 || Disney's Frozen. Finally got around to watching this movie. It's absolutely perfection and I feel bad for thinking it wouldn't live up to the hype. (Also perfect timing with the second polar vortex swirling around)
3 || Kitten Bouquet. ThinkGeek is fueling the inner crazy cat lady in me with this super awesome substitute for roses on Valentine's Day.
4 || Vagina Monologues. After seeing VM four times, I am finally going to participate in it this year! I found out today that my part will be My Angry Vagina and I'm so excited!
5 || Her Campus Blogger Network. Living Snapshots got accepted into the HCBN which will open up a lot of doors for me as a blogger. I'm so excited about this opportunity!