Goodbye August, Hello September!

August has been a busy month for me. For one thing, I started my "big girl job" as a chemist on August 4th, but I also moved to a new place and have found myself starting to explore and put down roots. Here are my top favorite moments from this past month (in no particular order).

1) Getting the chance to see Sam for the first time in two years (since we met at the 51st Biennial Conclave) || We went out to the Farmer's Market, mini-golfed in the middle of no where and got a delicious dinner at Lancaster Brewing Company.

2) The Aberdeen Ironbirds Game with Delaware Valley Pro Chapter || I feel so fortunate to live so close to an Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Chapter.

3) Daniel's Family Visiting || We went mini golfing and visited Shady Maple.

4) Turkey Hill Experience || All the ice cream and ice tea you can eat/drink!
(If you don't know what Turkey Hill is it's because it's only found in these states)

August was a great month, I can't wait to see what September will hold.