Thoughts on International Women's Day

In honor of International Women’s Day, I wanted to address a question that has been sitting heavy on my heart lately: is this sexist?

Whether it be a snarky joke at a woman’s expense or feeling like there’s a glass ceiling I will somehow never break through, it’s a question I find myself asking far too often.

The ultimate problem is that I have to ask the question at all. There should be nothing that causes me to think I’m being discriminated against because I’m a woman. I’ll repeat that again — I should not be consciously worried that I am being passed over or held back because of my gender. Yet here I am in 2018 and this is how I feel. 

How do you not ask this question when you hear men in management positions openly make jokes about women? How do you not ask this question when only 30% of your coworkers/classmates are women? How do you not ask this question when your own reproductive rights are seemingly always up for debate by men in boardrooms?

Today, I wear red to show my support for other women and for women in other countries who’s fight is much harder than mine. Together we will celebrate our accomplishments, mourn our losses and fight for our rights.